Bohinjska Bistrica – Tolmin, 12 Feb 2025
Message following the Annual General Meeting of the Bohinj Route Consortium
The Bohinj Route Consortium, which brings together municipalities, development agencies and tourist destination organisations along the route between Jesenice and Sežana, held its regular annual general meeting in Bohinjska Bistrica. After years of stagnation, the establishment of the Consortium has also helped to bring new momentum and a unified thinking that the route is the backbone of sustainable mobility in the area between Gorenjska and North Primorska, with cross-border links to Austria and Italy.
In particular, the mayors underlined their satisfaction and also their great expectations for the planned investment in the reconstruction of the section between Jesenice and Bohinjska Bistrica, which is in the final design
phase and work is scheduled to start this year. If the second railway line is important for the Slovenian economy, for the two regions this investment is a ticket to better connectivity and sustainable tourism. Despite the short-term constraints, it is the best response to the increase in demand, as passenger growth on the line exceeds the Slovenian average. This is also confirmed by the indicator for bicycle transport, with three-fifths of the transport carried out on the Bohinj line.
Due to planned investment and maintenance interventions on the line, it will not be possible in the coming years to avoid longer interruptions of traffic on individual sections, alternative bus services and consequent delays. Therefore, the members of the Consortium have committed themselves to the preparation of a communication plan, which would contribute to timely and more effective information for both local users and visitors, through the ongoing cooperation of all key stakeholders (Slovenian Railways, DRSI) and through all their communication channels.
The members of the Consortium always stress that this is not just a regional line, but an important part of an international network, which this year, with the focus on the European Capital of Culture, has a historic opportunity to regain the role and prestige it enjoyed when the Prague-Trieste link was built and established.
On behalf of the Consortium:
Miro Kristan