News and updates

Bohinjsko jezero; foto: Mitja Sodja
Transport notices and other information ...
2€ for 24 hours unlimited travel on all organised transport lines ...
Parkirnina Bohinj, Foto: MItja Sodja
Check what's new regarding the traffic and parking regime in Bohinj. ...
Staying in the area of the construction site and machinery is strictly ...


Zaradi visokega vodostaja ladja do nadaljnega ne vozi.


POZOR: Parkiranje je dovoljeno samo na označenih mestih! Prenočevanje z avtodomi in drugimi vozili je dovoljeno le v kampih in na parkiriščih za avtodome (P14, P23). // PLEASE NOTE: Parking is only allowed in marked spaces! If you travel with motorhomes and other vehicles, you can stay overnight only at campsites and motorhome car parks (P14, P23).