Traffic regime in the Pokljuka area

Pokljuka is a high karst plateau on the eastern edge of the Triglav National Park. It lies at an altitude of between 1,000 and 1,500 metres. Unspoilt nature and vast spruce forests are the hallmarks of Pokljuka.
Pokljuka is also home to Special Protection Areas and species protected under European Directives, which are part of the Natura 2000 network. The most important of these are the marsh area and the habitat of the western capercaillie (cock-of-the-woods).
The Natura 2000 network aims to preserve the natural values of international importance that our ancestors, with a healthy and respectful relationship with nature, have managed to maintain.
These measures will contribute to a comprehensive traffic regime in Pokljuka, which is, among other things, an important objective of the VrH Julijcev project.
Pokljuka, Foto: Mitja Sodja
Pokljuka, Foto: Mitja Sodja

We want to preserve suitable habitats for sensitive species and fragile ecosystems.

The adaptation of motor traffic is also important for the smooth management of the forest, while at the same time allowing the visitor to spend quality and nature-friendly leisure time in the only national park in the country.

  • Parking on forest roads between Rudno Polje, Za Ribnico
    and Crossroad Razpotje is not allowed (except for landowners).
  • Parking is allowed in the car park at Rudno Polje and in Lom before Uskovnica.
  • Driving motor vehicles over the Praprotnica mountain (past the
    energy points) and Uskovnica (from Loma before Uskovnica to the junction of the forest thoroughfares to the alpine meadows Na Šeh, Praprotnica and Uskovnica above the bridge over the Ribnica River) are not allowed.
    (except for landowners)
Prometni režim Pokljuka


POZOR: Parkiranje je dovoljeno samo na označenih mestih! Prenočevanje z avtodomi in drugimi vozili je dovoljeno le v kampih in na parkiriščih za avtodome (P14, P23). // PLEASE NOTE: Parking is only allowed in marked spaces! If you travel with motorhomes and other vehicles, you can stay overnight only at campsites and motorhome car parks (P14, P23).