Warnings, road closures…


Due to the rehabilitation of erosion damages, the cycle path will be completely closed between 5 August and 20 September between the bridge over the Ribnica River to the Levov Most Bridge in Stara Fužina. During the closure, a temporary detour via Stara Fužina will be in place.


Please be informed that a part of the Sava dam (the bridge at Petrol) is damaged and very dangerous for all boats and swimmers. So-called siphon, can pull a swimmer or a vessel underwater with its current and thus trap them in a life-threatening situation. Especially at higher water levels, when it is not visible, this part is extremely dangerous.    We therefore ask you to inform all your guests about this dangerous part of the Sava River, especially those who are planning to take their own boats down the Sava Bohinjka. We would also like to remind you that the Municipality of Bohinj, in May this year, adopted a decree establishing a temporary navigation regime on the Sava Bohinjka, which prohibits navigation downstream of the aforementioned bridge at Petrol in Bohinjska Bistrica. The last entry/exit point is just before the bridge on the left bank of the Sava Bohinjka (next to the cycle path). Follow the link below to see the navigation regime (in Slovene language):

We appreciate your understanding and taking care of your safety and the safety of guests.  


Published: 26.04.2024 (on the website of the Municipality of Bohinj)

In the area of Bohinjska Bistrica, in accordance with the Decision on the determination of public parking areas, parking fees and parking cards (Official Gazette of the Municipality of Bohinj, No 2/24), a parking regime allowing free short-term parking will be established on 1 June in car parks.

The car parks where it is planned to establish are:

  • P28 Bohinjska Bistrica 28 (Cemetery, Spar)
  • P29 Bohinjska Bistrica 29 (Joža Ažman Cultural Centre)
  • P30 Bohinjska Bistrica 30 (Trg svobode, Local Market Square)

Short-term parking (one or two hours) will be available in the car parks. For holders of the “Citizen” or “Holiday Home Owner” and “Friends of Bohinj” parking cards, parking is unrestricted. The condition is that the parking card has been paid for the current year.

The blue zone marking indicating the short-term parking zone is already in place in the car parks, and the parking regime and controls will be implemented from 1. 6..



Published: 25.04.2024 (on the website of the Municipality of Bohinj) Please be informed that from Friday, 26.4.2024 until further notice, there will be a complete closure of the Bled – Bohinj cycle path (section Bohinjska Bistrica – Grmečica) due to the laying of fine asphalt.  


Construction of a car park at Nomenj

Published: 11.07.2024 (on the website of the Municipality of Bohinj) The construction of a car park at Nomenj, next to the railway station, has started, which will provide 100 parking spaces and a connection to the national road. The work is expected to be completed in early August. here.

Reconstruction of road sections in Koprivnik and Gorjuše

Published: 03.07.2024 (on the website of the Municipality of Bohinj) In July, work will start on the reconstruction of road sections in the following areas:

  • Koprivnik: public road 515671 Zupanc branch.
  • Zgornje Gorjuše: public path 515861 C. Through Zgornje Gorjuše I.
  • Spodnje Gorjuše: public road 515801 Road to Lotrič (continuation of last year’s phase).

Residents are asked to be understanding and tolerant during the construction work. read more here.


Published: 25.01.2024 (on the website of the Municipality of Bohinj)

The amendments to the current Decision on the determination of public parking areas, parking fees and parking cards concern:

  • The abolition of two temporary grass car parks (Labora and Kristal).
  • Establishment of a new car park at Nomen and establishment of parking regimes in existing car parks in Bohinjska Bistrica.
  • Standardisation of pricing policy.

The proposal for a decision was already presented to the relevant committees of the Municipal Council before the previous session, where the positions of the committees were examined in the discussions before the decision was finalised and no comments were made on the proposal to harmonise prices.

Reasons for the changes:

In 2024, the Municipality of Bohinj will implement the announcements and commitments made in the strategic documents addressing traffic calming in Bohinj (e.g. Integrated Transport Strategy of the Municipality of Bohinj – 2019, Integrated Transport Strategy for the wider area of the Julian Alps – 2022, Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Lake Bohinj – 2021, Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the area of Lake Bohinj (Bohinj Lake Bowl) – 2021, Action Plan for Traffic Calming 2023-2030). (e.g. All strategies were subject to a wide public debate and adopted with strong support at the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Bohinj.

Thus, in addition to the closure of car park P10 Ribčev Laz 10 (lawn opposite Kristal), the final closure of temporary grass car park P07 Ribčev Laz 7 (Labora) is foreseen in 2024. Part of temporary grass car park P04 Stara Fužina 4 (Vegelj) was already closed in 2023. The closure of the car parks is not intended to replace all the parking spaces, but to make use of existing car parks and the new car park at Nomenj.

We are not opening new car parks in Bohinjska Bistrica

In the area of Bohinjska Bistrica, areas of free short-term parking are being created (the car park next to the cemetery, in front of the Joža Ažman Cultural Centre and on Trg svobode (Freedom Square) – in front of the post office and the bank). Short-term parking (one or two hours) will be available here. For holders of a “citizen” or “holiday home owner” parking card, parking will be unrestricted. The condition is that the parking card has been paid for the current year. In practice, this would mean that day visitors will not be able to use these parking passes for all-day parking.

A new car park is planned at Nomenj, next to the railway station.

The level of parking charges remains unchanged, but the prices in the car parks in each area are standardised.. The car parks are classified into three zones in accordance with the provisions of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance. Parking lots P08 Stara Fužina 8 (Vorenčkojca) and P26 Stara Fužina 26 (under the KD in Stara Fužina) currently have a tariff of 3.0 €/h throughout the year. The proposal brings the parking charges in these two car parks in line with other car parks (e.g. Ukanc, Ribčev Laz) and sets them at EUR 0,5/h (1.1. to 31.3. and 1.11. to 31.12.) and EUR 1,5/h (1.4. to 31.5. and 1.10. to 31.10.) respectively.

The decision is published as part of the material for the 12th ordinary session of the Municipal Council in the announcement: HERE.



  • There is a new traffic regime on Planina Konjščica: “No traffic for all vehicles”
  • You can download the leaflet on the Parking – Pokljuka area subpage.


Več novic

Transport notices and other information ...
2€ for 24 hours unlimited travel on all organised transport lines ...


Parkirišča ob jezeru so hitro polna. Alternativa: parkirišča na Bohinjski Bistrici + organizirani in javni prevozi. // The car parks by the lake are quickly full. Alternative: car parks in Bohinjska Bistrica + organised and public transport.

Prosti kampi // Vacancy in campsites:
– kamp Soriška Planina
– kamp Danica (Bohinjska Bistrica)
– kamp Bohinj (Ukanc)

POZOR: Prenočevanje z avtodomi in drugimi vozili je dovoljeno le v kampih in na parkiriščih za avtodome (P14, P23). // PLEASE NOTE: If you travel with motorhomes and other vehicles, you can stay overnight only at campsites and motorhome car parks (P14, P23).